15 Activities That Keep Your Mind and Body Engaged At Home

You never know when you are stuck inside your home. Recent pandemic and quarantine restrictions in different regions of the world have proved it. There are times when we could not do anything but sit inside and wait for the situation to get better. Even if there is no extreme situation like lockdown or something, you have to spend time inside with your kids, spouse, or family when there are summer vacations, weekends, or annual holidays. So, what is the best thing you can do without stepping outside? So, here is a list of some exciting activities you can do at home without much hassle, so whenever you are at home, and you are one of those who can not come up with ideas quickly, you can go through this list.

15 Activities That Keep Your Mind and Body Engaged At Home

1. Let’s Have A Competition

Well, the easiest thing you can do as soon as you realize you have to stay indoors at least for a day is to have a competition. It doesn’t matter who you are with; be it your spouse, spouse & kids, siblings, or just your grandparents, you always get everyone in a room to start competition over anything. You can do karaoke competitions, singing competitions or dance competitions. These activities can be done likewise among adults and kids. Or you can even have racing games, like frog races, kangaroo races, or rally races if you have many players in your backyard.

2. Board Games

So, the fun is here. No one ever gets bored with these old-school board games. No matter when they were first introduced, many of them are still workable when it comes to indoor games. People just love them. Now a variety of board games are available on Amazon. You can get your favorites for a time when you know you got to be at home. Here are some picks for you:

  • Scrabble – fun, and vocabulary side by side
  • Chess – let’s boost planning skills together
  • Chutes & Ladders – let’s climb the stairs of focus together.

Board Games

3. Card Games

Another type of game that has engaged generations of all centuries. People used to play it in the ‘60s, and people still love it. We can’t deny the fact of how much we indulge once we start playing cards. And to be honest, it doesn’t matter what card game it is. Once you start it, you don’t want to give up. Hence, this is one of the best options when you are bound to stay at home with your kids or family. Card games are outstanding if you want to boost your cognitive and intellectual skills sitting at home. So, here are our favorite picks for you.

  • Poker – test your mental skills together with your counterparts
  • Uno – teach your kids colors and numbers in a new way
  • Sequence – thinking and strategizing is all you need for it

Card Games

4. Puzzle Games

This is the type of game kids never get bored of. They are the best brain teasers to calm and cool your mind that is always anxious because of today’s digitized world. So when you are at home with your friends and family and want to get a breath of fresh air away from this world, get into the world of puzzles. Amazon has a huge list of puzzle games specifically for kids, adults and something as tricky for adults as it is for kids. There are not just simple paper puzzles, but you will get to know some of the most mind-boggling puzzles made up of large wooden interlocking cubes and big plastic shapes puzzles.

5. Wanna Dance?

Who doesn’t? Once you know this is a weekend or summer vacation, and you have no escape from your kids and spouse, and you are running out of ideas, then throw a dance party. Just switch on your favorite songs, be it from the ‘90s or 2000s, and get everybody on the floor. Dance to favorite tunes like crazy with your spouse and kids like no one is watching- because, in reality, no one is watching. Remember, the rule is you should not know how to dance!

6. Hide-and-seek

My oh My! If you have a backyard and cellar or terrace with two to three rooms, then your house is enough to play hide-and-seek. This old-school game brings plenty of fun not only to kids but adults of all ages. The idea of finding something hidden excites every age likewise.

7. Makeover Party

Well, if you are a mommy with a daughter or even a daddy, then this might be your best choice. Take out some bands, pins, comb, scarfs, shirts, and your vanity box to get ready from the hands of the little ones. It is not just for kids. If you are a teen and throwing a pajama party this weekend with your friends, then makeovers can be the best thing to test how much your friend loves you.

8. Pictionary

This is one never-gets-old game. Pictionary takes the minimum effort and things if you want to play this with your friends’ group, family, and kids. Just get a piece of board and chalk or maker, and there you go. Let’s try everyone’s skills to identify the object on the board. You can also choose a Pictionary set from Amazon to make your game more enjoyable.


9. Scavenger Hunt

A complete typical party game, scavenger hunts will keep everybody on their feet to find the next hidden clue. Adults and kids both enjoy scavenger hunts equally until they find the treasure in the end. Although you can make such a game at home, that kinda gets time-consuming and hectic. Hence, you can find various scavenger hunt sets on Amazon.

Scavenger Hunt

10. Charades

Let’s play charades if you can’t decide what to play next in the group of friends. Get ready for the laughter rides as the different team members do all kinds of gestures, including the weird ones, to make their teams guess the phrase or word. The words and phrases are typically movies, famous books, songs, and people. As the clock ticks, the excitement of the games enhances to new levels. Kids can easily enjoy the game if you make sure the kids are familiar with movies and books you are using in the game.

11. It’s Story Time!

Everyone loves storytelling. To be honest, storytelling is an art and is not an easy task to do. But this is how you learn, right? By practice. So when you are with a bunch of friends, family, especially kids, engage them in telling stories either they witnessed or made on the spot. Or you can also read stories to your children with different character voices.

12. Let’s Do Art and Crafts

What’s better than to improve the aesthetic sense of yourself and your loved ones. Take out some pencils, paints, paper, and sheets and start doing what every human loves, that is art. You can also do crafts like taking ice-cream sticks to make houses or other things, or you can learn some new origami from YouTube and try them with your kids to decorate their rooms.

13. Let’s Cook Together

Cooking is another way to take a break from a fast-paced life if you are a working man or woman. If you are with kids on the weekend, trust me, kids love cooking, be it a boy or girl. Let them try their hands on some flour and eggs to make their own cookies. It’s just that you have to clean the aftermath.

14. Play and Learn Together

There are plenty of toys that help children learn some excellent math skills, linguistic skills, and building skills. On Amazon, you can find a variety of games or toys like the famous LEGO toys, building blocks, colors and shape sorting, and various other types of games.

games or toys

15. Some Workout?

Nothing is as good as exercise and workouts. The release of toxins and extra fats from your body makes you feel like you are in heaven. The vibe you get after sweating like crazy from a powerful workout is fantastic. Especially if you have been working from home from recent uncertain situations due to Covid-19, then you need a workout to get rid of all the anxiety and stress you got from working from home. Just pick out some tutorials for beginners on YouTube to get your feet ready for sweaty exercise.

So, now you have a fair list of activities that you can do indoors. To be honest, the list is not complete yet. As there is a lot more you can do at home, you can make yourself creative or boost other skills like social cooperation, cognitive skills, and strategy making by these indoor games. These games give you the escape from your hectic daily routines, sprinkling the taste of happiness we all need to have a break. So next time you are at home thinking about what to do instead of scrolling through Tik Tok or Instagram, you know what exactly you can do.

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