Top 7 Chess Sets for You in 2021

Quarantine in 2020 turned us back into recreational activities that only we used to do earlier. As technology has reached its heights, we barely see people, especially the young generation playing board games or other recreational games. All we see are the kids with mobile phones in their hands.

Top 8 Chess Sets for You in 2021

However, in a pandemic of 2020, we saw that everyone had plenty of time and people eventually got bored sitting in front of their screens. So as the after-effects of covid on our social lives, we saw a boom in board games.

One such game is chess. Chess is already a tremendously popular game among board games lovers, but recently it has become a must-have game in board games during quarantine.

Chess consists of two players with the objective of capturing the opponent’s king. The board of this game is checkered and in contrasting colors, usually black and white. Chess is known as the game of geniuses. The skills required to play are strategic moves and tactics.

Whether you’re a pro or just started playing chess, there are plenty of chess games for you in the market of different brands, colors, types, and Materials.

Here is the list of best and top-notch chess sets you can buy for yourself as per your needs and budget. Remember, the sets on the lists are best according to the requirements and not in the best order.

For selecting the best chessboard, you can consider three main components.

1. Board:

The board of chess can come in different materials like plastic, wooden, metal, and other mixed material. It can also be of different colors but mostly comes in a classic black and white theme.

2. Pieces:

Pieces, also known as the chessmen of the chess, come in various sizes and sometimes in different shapes, as you will eventually see in the article below.

3. Box:

For many people, a box is the most attractive part of a chess game. It’s something that compliments the chessboard. Sometimes they are simply carrying cases made up of plastic, nylon, or cotton canvas for portable chess games, and sometimes, the board is changeable to box form.

Number 1: Chess Armory’s 15″ Wooden Chess Set.

chess set 1If you are fond of wooden board games with articulated style and sleek design, then this handcrafted Chess Armory’s chess set is for you. It is made up of inlaid walnut chess pieces that are Staunton styled.  Moreover, the board of the set folds inward, making it easier for you to wrap up the game whenever you want without the hassle of putting chess pieces in a different box and checkerboard separately.

Number 2: Chess Geeks Store’s Best Chess Set Ever XL

Chess Geeks Store’sAgain this set Best Chess Set Ever set has touched the sky when it comes to quality. With heavy-weighted Staunton chess pieces and an elite silicon chessboard, it really goes beyond conventional chess sets. This is not it, it also comes with the best and easy strategy guide and modern game box. This one would be the best choice if you are looking for something on budget and yet amazing in quality.

Number 3: SRENTA’S 10″ Fine Glass Crystal Chess Game Set

SRENTA’S game setHere’s again something for your aesthetic senses. If you’re bold enough to play games differently, then the Crystal Chess set by SRENTA  is for you. This chessboard with a unique board and chessmen can feed your hunger to play and decor your table. The crystal and transparent design make this one-of-a-kind chess set. The chess set is expensive as compared to other chess sets, but it can flaunt your aesthetic sense to your guests as a host.

Number 4: The Noble Collection’s Harry Wizard Chess Board

The Noble Collection's chessThis chess set by Noble Collection is themed on one of the epic fiction novels and movies that is ‘Harry Potter.’ So instead of traditional chessmen, what we have here are Harry Potter’s characters. Though the board is in conventional black and white colors, it can be a fun way to teach your children this brilliant game. In addition, being an avid fan of the Harry Potter saga can be a fantastic way to involve your kids in recreational activities.

Number 5: Winning Moves Games’s No Stress Chess Set

no stress chessHere comes another chess set to spark the interest of your children in this skillful game.  If you’re looking for something to teach your kids chess, then this might be the right choice.  As the name suggests, ‘No Stress Chess’ has an illustrated board and action cards to help beginners get their first-hand experience with chess games to become habitual of playing board games.

Number 6: US Chess Federation’s Quiver Tournament Chess Set

US ChessThis Quiver Tournament Chess set by the US Chess Federation is both affordable and portable. Made up of vinyl, this tournament chess set is a must-have for your kids to start as chess masters. The carrying case plus the material makes it super easy to carry this around whenever your kids want to have matches with friends or learn from the tutors.

Number 7: QuadPro’s Magnetic Chess Set

QuadPro's Magnetic Chess SetAgain something great for traveling and is on budget. This Magnetic Chess Set is the best of both worlds. The magnetic checkerboard and chessmen provide you the opportunity to carry it around when you plan to travel great distances in trains, airplanes, or ships. The checkerboard is foldable with a compartment space to store everything securely inside.

So, now you have a top 8 list to choose your best chess game according to your requirements. Remember, if you are a beginner and more into learning the game, it would be better to buy a low-budget game. Because once you know the game, you can always purchase the better and expensive ones to flaunt your skills. Cheers!

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