Top Seven Yoga Exercises For Men And Women

Northern India is said to be the place where one of the most aesthetic disciplines of physical and mental activities, Yoga, originated. More than 5000 years ago, this discipline was introduced to boost overall health. The first time it was mentioned in the Rig Veda, Hinduism’s ancient and sacred text among four Vedas. In Hinduism, yoga is not just any physical activity, but it is one of the six schools of philosophy. Moreover, yoga is also an essential part of other religions like Buddhism and Jainism. There is a whole museum dedicated to the history of yoga, named Shri Yogendra Museum of Classical Yoga.

Top Seven Exercises For Men And Women

Indian monks start conveying the message of knowledge of this school of philosophy om the late 1980s. This was the first time that Yoga was introduced in the West as we know it today. The westerners who went to India also learned these practices from the yogis. As it is known in the West, Yoga took off in the late 1890s, when Indian monks began spreading their knowledge to the Western world for the first time. People who traveled to India were also able to rub shoulders with the yogis and observe their practice firsthand. However, the credit of dedicatedly introducing yoga in the West goes to Swami Vivekananda. Swami Vivekananda lived from 1863 to 1902. After coming to the United States of America in 1883, he soon began to hold international conferences on Yoga, introducing it as the ‘science of mind.’ Moreover, he translated various yogic scriptures to English, spreading the message of yoga. Hence, in 1893 Swami took the country by storm when he demonstrated some of Yoga poses at the Chicago World’s Fair.

Hence, now yoga is one the most practiced activities in the industry of fitness and health. Therefore, we have selected some of the best yoga steps and some of the best yoga products.

Seven Best Yoga Poses

1. Standing Forward Fold (Uttanasana)

So the first one in the list is Uttanasana which is a standing forward fold. It is the ultimate pose for flexibility. The Uttanasana pose works as a test of your present flexibility. In this pose, the navel at the top abdominal muscles in this pose adds to your flexibility.

Standing Forward Bend is top of the list of yoga poses for flexibility. But before you go for this yoga pose, make sure you learn it properly to not hurt your lower back.

2. Warrior I (Virabhadrasana I)

Warrior I or Virabhadrasana I yoga pose is the pose to discover the warrior inside you.  This asana connects you to your truck making these stretches. This yoga pose is very beneficial for core muscle and gives overall strength. Along with hips flexibility, the pose eventually increases the range of movement.

3. Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana)

One of the simplest poses in yoga is Cobra Pose. But the flexibility that comes with this pose is nothing less than other yoga steps. This pose improves so many body areas, but this especially helps in loosening up the spinal column. The stretch is also said to give a perky bottom.

4. Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana)

Now you have in the list something that can leave your back painless. Back pain is one of the common complaints that people have, especially when their work makes them sit in front of the screens all day. Fitness experts introduce this yoga pose as a must for your yoga or exercise routine to increase flexibility within your back muscles. It is both good for pro-yogis as well as non-flexible beginners.

5. Malasana (Garland Pose)

The Garland Pose is one of the most beautiful poses. This squat-like step is ideal for opening hips. It also releases the lower back muscles. You can either go deeper into the pose by totally relying on body weight or use blocks to make your low squat easier to learn to balance weight on the heels, not the knees.

6. Utthita Trikonasana (Extended Triangle Pose)

Utthita Trikonasana is one standing pose that is ignored by many beginner fitness trainers and some inexperienced yogis. The extended triangle pose is a perfect standing pose giving you benefits like strengthening the core, releasing the lower back, and expanding your body. If you are a beginner in this pose, you can use the blocks and modified version of the step to make it easier for your body.

7. Crescent Lunge

This is the ideal pose for opening hips and psoas. Crescent Lunge is the standing pose that makes your chest and feet feel powerful. It is harder to balance in this pose as a beginner. But you can balance out this step by watching out the distance between your feet and making sure your stance is hips-width apart.

Some Best Yoga Equipment

Some of the yoga steps need equipment to perform well. You also need equipment when you are a beginner in the yogic world. As there are some asanas you can not do easily without confirming your safety. Therefore, there is plenty of yoga equipment available on Amazon that can make your yoga routine and goals more doable and reachable.

1. Exercise Yoga Mat By Amazon Basic Store

Exercise Yoga Mat By Amazon Basic Store

Exercise Yoga Mat By Amazon Basic Store is rated by 43,946 customers from around the world. This extra-thick ½ inch yoga mat is in Amazon’s Choice.  This mat is available in vibrant colors like green, blue, and red and some subtle colors like black, grey, and purple. It has an option to free returns and comes with a foam roller. The dimension of the mat is 74.02 x 24.02 inches with a weight of 1 kg. The 100% NBR imported foam makes it ideal for all your asanas because it gives the traction and stability you need in your yoga poses.

2. Gaiam Essentials Yoga Block (Set Of 2) By Gaiam Store

Gaiam Essentials Yoga Block (Set Of 2) By Gaiam Store

Here is top-rated yoga equipment for people who need little support during their workouts. It is rated 4.8 by above ninety thousand people on the internet.  Gaiam Essentials Yoga Block (Set Of 2) By Gaiam Store, non-slip material is ideal for sweaty stretches during yoga. If you love brilliant colors in your yoga foam blocks, then this product is for you as it comes in unique colors at different prices. It is also part of Amazon’s Choice for blocks. The set of these two soft blocks will help you boost your deeper poses and push your strength to a higher level.

3. Yoga Strap By Tumaz Store

Yoga Strap By Tumaz Store

One top-rated yoga strap on Amazon is Yoga Strap By Tumaz Store. This stretch band comes in more than fifteen unique colors, so you have no limitations in choosing your favorite one. The delicate and comfy texture of the yoga band makes it easier to grab it and do the yogic poses you have been waiting to do. The size of the band is, of course, adjustable so you can stretch according to the size of your body and your comfort.

4. Yoga Knee Pad Cushion SukhaMat Store

Yoga Knee Pad Cushion SukhaMat Store

Yoga Knee Pad Cushion SukhaMat Store is one of the finest kee pads available on Amazon. Often in yoga stretches involve the bending of the knee or putting your knee on the floor. If you do that on a hard floor, you will probably hurt your knee, especially if you are a beginner. This knee pad is also in the Amazon’s Choice for yoga knee pads category. Moreover with a range of colors, the product has free return offers. With dimensions of 10 x 24 x 0.02 inches, thickness 0.62 inches, and weight of 0.55 Pounds, this pad is perfect for your knees in yogic exercises.

Many studies have proved that yoga boosts essential aspects of your lifestyle such as strength, balance, the flexibility of the body, and control over your emotions and mind. The stretches and poses increase bodily balance, whereas meditation brings to your mind and soul. It has helped people to relieve back pain; hence the American College of Physicians suggests yoga as the initial step towards treating the pain in the lower back. It is also helpful in treating arthritis symptoms such as swollen joints. Immense benefits have been seen in healing heart diseases through yoga. One most common health issue like high blood pressure and excess weight, is treated through yoga. Moreover, yoga improves your sleeping pattern by relaxing your body and brain muscles. Actively participating in yogic workouts brightens up your mood and makes you feel more energetic throughout the day. Hence, yoga helps you to decrease the overall pressure.

Now you have a list of yoga poses, a list of yoga equipment, and a list of benefits that the yogic world brings, so what are you waiting for? Get the yoga mat ready, get back to the track, and enjoy life in its real meaning and joy.  You are definitely going to enjoy your yogic journey once you get used to it.

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